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Peter the Venerable
Peter the Venerable (c. 1092 – 25 December 1156) was one of the most prominent religious figures and
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The oldest castle in the world is Su Nuraxi, also known as Nuraghe
Today we’ll talk about the Su Nuraxi complex, located in Sardinia, which can be considered the
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Medieval castle project
As part of the implementation of the Castle.men project, our specialists have gained significant experience
Why didn't the Romans build castles - they built others. These were grandiose buildings that contemporaries are unlikely to be able to replicate so well. Почему римляне не строили замки Зами римской империи History
Why didn’t the Romans build castles?
Maybe you’ve wondered why the Romans didn’t build castles. Now let’s explain this topic.
Spiral staircases were deliberately made narrow and twisted clockwise so that - Why were staircases twisted clockwise лестница средневекового замка History
Why were the stairs in the castle twisted clockwise?
Do you know why spiral staircases in a medieval castle were always twisted clockwise? Even now, almost
The manners of children in the Middle Ages, despite the modern image in culture, were quite developed and similar to Манеры детей в Средневековье как ели дети в средние века касл мэн castle men History
Manners of children in the Middle Ages
Modern parents pay considerable attention to the upbringing of their children and their manners;
In the Middle Ages, it was common to bribe defenders of fortresses (castle) who were not prepared to fight. Method of capturing a castle in the Middle Ages Cамый простой способ захвата средневекового замка History
The easiest way to capture a medieval castle
Since time immemorial, people have understood that in addition to survival, it is important to protect
A moat, a hill, a gate, walls and towers - these are the basic elements of the design of a medieval castle Средневековый замок среднего феодала элементы конструкции средневекового замка History
Basic elements of a medieval castle design
The medieval castle is a symbol of an entire era. Unfortunately, there are almost none of them preserved
Consider what brothels represented in the Middle Ages in Western Europe | Middle Ages, prostitution, prostitutes, harlots Бордели и публичные дома в Средние века касл мэн castle men History
Brothels in the Middle Ages
Today we will look at how brothels operated during the Middle Ages in Western Europe and the general
Let's consider the myths and reality regarding life in a medieval castle, such as slush, cold, eternal dirt and unsanitary conditions Мифы и реальность: правда о жизни в средневековом замке History
Myths and reality: the truth about life in a medieval castle
Today we will look at the myths and reality regarding life in a medieval castle. Over the centuries